Saturday, March 10, 2012

Collected Lyrics For The First 102 Songs By Rich Krueger, With Or Without Other Authors, In Reverse Chronological Order

NOTE: Here the lyrics are posted with notes from the songs authors about the song.  Getting the pages up is slow going,  But if you want to just see the lyrics to all my songs, go to

UPDATE: This is beginning to be updated again.  Today is 5/1/17, and as of today there are 102 songs.

So I as of today, 3/10/2012, I guess I have written, or co-written, 100 songs with lyrics.  I thought at first it was only 97 when I began this collating process in February, but rechecking notebooks there were three more…an even hundred!  Many do not suck. Others clearly do suck, particularly early on.  I find this reassuring.  There have been other Rich Krueger musical compositions: a few pieces of chamber music (for examples Best Two Out of Three and The Music Box Trio); a couple songs I worked on with Chris Farrell where I made very small contributions; a hymn I reset to new music (There’s A Wideness In God’s Mercy); a few instrumentals, like Bulgar Wheat (Oliver Steck/Rich Krueger) and Liverpool Charlie Morgan’s Bugger All; and some incidental music used in The Cardiff Giant play, All Eight Die.  But my main musical output has been songs in the urbane folk/rock-and-roll/pop idiom.

Today, I finished collating the lyrics for all these 100 songs. The first song, called “Song”, if you can call it that, was written 9/22/1983, when I was 23, just as I began medical school. I wanted to be an opening act of Avant-Garfielde (a nice interview with Scott Hermes talks about the old days), the weekly improvisational comedy show/cabaret featuring my dear friends who eventually would be known as The Cardiff Giant. To open for them I needed “original material”.  The next one was written in June of 1985, a few months before my marriage to Elizabeth Hawkes. I didn’t open for Cardiff Giant until the fall of 1985. Eventually I would write songs for two of their shows.

I have listed the titles, and transcribed the lyrics, in reverse chronological order because in general  the best songs were written after the bad songs.  But I put them all down here nonetheless. The first song I wrote as bad as it was, actually did contain a couplet that probably sums up my whole songwriting ethos, if not my whole life, which would turn up later better served in the song from 1987 “Vague Existential Yearnings”: “I only wanted your respect/But what I got as your attention”. 

A few of the melodies to some of these lyrics I have never recorded anywhere, and have been lost. Maybe one day I will bind them into some old fashion analog book.  Over the next few day or weeks or months, I will start posting the lyrics to each of the songs listed here, and link the pages, posting the lyrics with anecdotes about the songs, where there are any (usually there are) and images of old notebooks or other junk that might appeal to someone interested in these songs. I expect that the level of interest in this process of transcription and accumulation, morbid or otherwise, will be limited.  But then again, there are literally tens of Rich Krueger fans scattered all over the world.  If I never get this project completed, I’ll try to remember to tell somewhere where on the computer this file is.

#        Title of Song                                                          Date of Completion

102     What we are                                                                  February 2017

101     A Short One On Life                                                     June 2016

100     Think What You Will     video                                         September-11
99       What Is It That You Want?      video
               (For Diane Izzo and Marco Zas)                                July-11
98       Me And The Girl Bar-Singer…              video 
                (For Julie Jurgens)                                                      November-10
97       Somewhere                                  video                          October-10
96       Nine Is The Lucky Number
             (For Jeff and Emi on their wedding)                           June-10
95       Ain't It So Nice Outside Today?     video     mp3     November-09
94       All Our Tomorrows                                                      July-09
93       In Between Kingfishers                  video       mp3     April-09
92      Verschet? Or Whose World And Whose Hands?        March-09
91       ‘77/17 (For N.H.D.)                      video       mp3       December-08
90       Can't See Me In This Light (For RL)          mp3       December-08
89       A Tout Jamais (Pour Eva Ave)                  mp3                      November-08
88       The Lucid Nightmare Revenant                                     November-08
87       Wrong                                                                              June-07
86       The Wednesday Boys                                                      May-07
85       Yesterday's Wrong                                                           April-07
84       Jessica Smiled (For Jessica Mills on her birthday)          April-07
83       True Love 
               (For Vernon and Stacey on their wedding)                August-02
82       The Ballad Of Mary O’Connor*                                     November-01
81       Bartender                                                                           June-98
80       Elizabeth  (For Elizabeth Hawkes)                                 July-97
79       Dying Young                                                                    June-96
78       Family (Apologies To The Rev Al Green)
             (For Susan and Doug on their wedding)                     September-95
77       Ain’t Life Grand                                                               June-95
76       Jesus Loves Me (I Know This)                                       June-95
75       Off To Change The World                                             June-94
74       It's Wonderful Life (For Ezra Idlet on his 40th)          August-93
73       Girls Go For Arse'oles                                                    June-93
72       Waltz (Terpsechore)                                                        June-93
71       In Regard Of Flight                                                         June-93
70       Little Richard’s World Of Mirth++                               June-93
69       Heaven                                                                             February-93
68       The Gospel According to Carl                                       August-92
67       Amazing (For Scott and Wendy on their wedding)    November-91
66       Nashville Patiently, Or Tell Me A Story
              (For, or at, John Ims)                                                   July-91
65       Kerrville Song  (For the Songwriting School
              at The Kerrville Folk Festival)                                      June-91
64       Another Hour                                                                  June-91
63       Everything Dies
             (Formerly "All Eight Die", For the Cardiff Show)      August-90
62       Ideal World*** (For the Cardiff Show
               “All Eight Die”)                                                          August-90
61       Closed, Come Again (Sorry)                                           April-90
60       Young English Romantic Song                                     April-90
59       Kick In The Head                                                            December-89  
  58       Por Que No Me Amas (Love Me)                                 December-89

  57       Miracle On 34th Street                                                     December-89

56       Just A Fascination                                                            December-89
55       The Cardiff Giant Song                                                   November-89
54       The Uncertainty Principle, Or After Heisenberg            March-89
53       A Decent Place                                                                  March-89
52       Between You And Me                                                     February-89
51       Secret Admirer                                                                  February-89
50       I Don't Mind                                                                    January-89
49       The New Hat                                                                    December-88
48       A Collective Memory***                                                  December-88
47       A Change In Clothes                                                        December-88  
46       Zero And The Bandit Queen
              Of Department Stores^                                                November-88
45       Woman On The #6                                                        September-88
44       Charlie Guitar (For Charlie Koster)                                August-88
43       On Your Return                                                               June-88
42       An Economy Of Errors                                                  May-88
41       Jack                                                                                    February-88
40       Tell It To The Tambourines                                          January-88
39       Waltz With Me, Jenny (For Patricia Irving
             March 7, 1962 – August 31, 1982)                               December-87
38       Everything That's Ever Happened
              During My Entire Life                                                 November-87
37       The Ballad Of Davy And Al                                           September-87
36       Jimmy Kidder                                                                  July-87
35       Dirty Little Town                                                             June-87
34       Six String Of Heaven (Daddy’s Guitar)                          June-87
33       Picnic With The Pope,
              Or Things Happen In New Mexico+                          June-87
32       The One You Love                                                          May-87
31       It's Just A Little Funny                                                   April-87
30       There's Something Out There                                        April-87
29       One, Two , Three                                                            April-87
28       Tom Johnson                                                                  April-87
27       Let Us Go Then, You And I^^                                     March-87
26       The Herald Of Free Enterprise                                       March-87
25       A Plea For Misunderstanding In An Uncomplicated
              World, Or Lawrence Welk And WWIII                     February-87
24       The Great War                                                                  February-87
23       She's Crazy On You (Sheila)                                            February-87
22       The Emergency-Made-Simple                                          January-87
21       Vague Existential Yearnings                                             January-87
20       Expectation                                                                        January-87
19       #13  This Week, With A Bullet                                       December-86
18       It's Christmas Time Again                                               December-86
17       Love Is Gonna Break The Fall                                         December-86
16       We Remember Whatever We Can                                   November-86
15       The Dancer                                                                        October-86
14       Take It Apart                                                                     October-86
13       Some Of The Things I've Said Before                              October-86
12       Leave Time                                                                         September-86
11       Richard Krueger's 12,760th Dream                                   May-86
10       No Time At All                                                                  December-85
9         Another Gray Weds                                                           December-85
8         Do We Dance                                                                     November-85
7         Resignation To Romance                                                  July-85
6         Dust To Dust                                                                    July-85
5         Sometime Tomorrow                                                        July-85
4         I Love A Man (For Scott Hermes)                                    July-85             
3         Left For You                                                                      June-85           
2         It Wouldn't Be Right                                                         June-85
1         Song                                                                                   September-83 
*Greg Kotis & Mark Hollmann (music & lyric) in 11/2001
          Additional Lyric by Rich Krueger in 2002
**Vernon Tonges (lyric)
***Chris Farrell (lyric)
^Ron Lazzeretti & Dave Kerr (music)
+Scott Hermes (lyric)
^^Larry Neubauer (music)

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