Saturday, March 10, 2012

Song #97. Somewhere

It’s almost certain
Somewhere it's almost certain life has finally wrestled free from fear.
Somewhere it's almost certain there is a God who could love us,
But man, He ain't here.
But it’s almost certain somewhere

Somewhere it’s almost certain hope can’t hurt you.  Hope only makes you strong.
Somewhere it’s almost certain no one claims something’s right when it’s certainly wrong.
It's almost certain

We’re running somewhere in a coward’s parade.
From a world that is poisoned, broken and sick.
Go on.  Try to breathe freely.  You’ll drown in shit.
What dreams you've left obscure your view.
The stones on your chest ain't new.
It's almost certain

They were hewn somewhere.
Somewhere maybe men know just how hard it is to walk in another man’s shoes.
Somewhere all the so-called lovers of Jesus know
Lies are called lies, not "the news"
It’s almost certain

Is it true in their somewhere no one has ever died?
A somewhere where nature’s defied?
Where you can live unwounded and clean
With nothing to learn or to lose

‘Cause you’re sure?  Or a fool?
It’s almost certain

You don’t need to die just to be reborn.
No man lives a life that’s untorn.
But you’re being cheated by powerful men
Who think they’ve nothing to learn or to lose
‘Cause they’re sure
You’re a fool.
They’re so certain
They’re somewhere

-October 2010     *Verse in Italics was in an earlier draft

The notes were made on 3/4/2012.  “Ever been lied to?.” –Paul Simon’s “Born At The Right Time”.   This is a piano song.  The song is about being lied to, especially lying to yourself. And about certainty.  And faith.  

There was a quote from “All In The Family” that always stuck with me.  Archie Bunker is talking about religion with his son-in-law and explains, “Faith is believing in stuff that no one in their right mind would believe.”   I think Archie was paraphrasing Karl Popper.  Studies have shown that humans thirst forcertainty as part of their survival mechanism.  And I ain't no different, but it is this thirst that leads us to be nothing more than pawns in others hands, especially when we are hurting and lost and lonely. There’s a sucker reborn every minute, eh?  How many times do we need to relearn this lesson?  The song owes an unpaid debt to Vernon Tonges’s brilliant phrase “almost certain” I blatantly stole from his masterful and magisterial song “Thunder Goose”.  And of course, another debt to Harold Arlen and Yip Harburg.

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